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At the beginnnig, just a home studio wild dream...
When slam, rock songs and electro music meet... just elusive...
ALTAM eventually turns into a genuine live band, with its machine / bass / drums trio...

Born upon the rubble of a derelict society, Altam plays on a high-tension line which unspeakably unites slam and electro to lively and invigorating texts.

The Human element is in the of every song, of every fragment, like a universal heart, a will to tell about life , to tell about daily routines but also a will to expose the ploys of a system which is going downhill...

The sinews of this war of words also lies in the project to reach a radically different writing; a deviant and entrancing style, held by slam and the scansion but also by a warm and a captivating way of singing. Definitely modern and topical, the style of Altam invites itself and winds up in a sociable poetics. Every word gets in its place in a determined or tender way,and, when a mere nothing or a trivial event comes out , it's life itself, so colourful, which passes through, in every possible way, carried by Christophe's pregnant voice.

Accompanied by Ben and Michel and making up an explosive trio, they are bound together and poduce an electro sound which carries the lyrics and roots them into a contemporary space, a space covered with little surprises for careful ears, giving rhythm to this universe in which the voice and the lyrics are in major.

Altam, a very inovating and creative band, takes us to unexplored tracks, in a musical, textual, human, original and sensitive adventure, making a fire and a hopeful slam radiate in our bodies.

Florence Marek