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Crane Angels

11 mad prairie dogs coming from various backgrounds who disinhibit good old pop music. Think ’60s-era Zombies, think prophetic backing vocals a la mode Beach Boys but with no surfboards, all struggling with monastic shoegaze guitars on their own moist lands…

11 brains leisurely colliding inside ICEBERG‘s nerve center : Mr Crâne, Petit Fantôme, Père Dodudaboum, Botibol, J.C Satàn, or even Nunna Daul Isuny, they’re all part of a Bordeaux-based mystical group of notorious individuals.

Their joy is infectious to the heart. Their masses are churchless. They like to gather around a few odes to insouciance, their instruments only electrified by the everlasting pleasure of a permanent vacation…

Early 2011, while en route to their first LP, they gave birth to a well acclaimed 45 rpm on Animal Factory Rds. “Le Sylphide de Brighton” – wich will be released on october the 31th 2011 – was meticulously carved out with the Cranes’ round-edge child scissors. It’s suffused with lustful sighs.

Play it when it’s raining out and your house is warm.