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Electric Electric

Who are Electric Electric ? Why has their line up evolved since the band's beginning ?

Electric Electric was born in 2004 and and includes 3 people : Eric Bentz on guitar and vocals, Vincent Redel on drums and Vincent Robert on keyboards and vocals. Until recently we were only a guitar/drums two piece. After a year's work together on our album with friend Vincent Robert, who also engineers albums for label Herzfeld, we felt like going on working with him. The addition of keyboards reinforces our sound and widens the possibilities . Anyway, I like to think of Electric Electric as variable formation, at any level. We could very well one day play as a five drummers band...

Influences, models ?

Our is a kind of synthesis. Our strength comes from the variety of our influences. We could talk of a very nois/rock basis for the energy, allied to a certain dancefloor fantasy. A gilr told me after a gig that Electric Electric was right between Sunn O))) and Donna Summer "Bad Girl" period... the fact of sampling my guitar live brings a repetitive and hypnotic touch to the music. I don't really have any models but am quite fascinated by this period qualified as the post-punk golden age, spanning from the end of the 70's to the middle of the 80's. I'm also very fond of the immediacy of pop music and the work of minimalist composers.

Your work shows a great deal of accuracy and thoroughness, "anarchy" is ofter used to describe your music...

A certain rigour is necessary and it is important to us to have stimulating music to execute on stage... Still, we're no technicians who spend hours on their instruments. I'm not into this. I compose tracks which are the result of several hours of trance in my room ! This early stage is central, where imagination and projection collide. Very quickly some aesthetics, come out, and, being a drummer myself, I figure out some drums parts. Then comes the putting into shape by the whole band, then a time for discussion.

What the expected impacts of your music ?

We try to make some music that primarily talks to the body, but the new compositions bring a certain sensitivity. The superimposition of different layers of repetitive guitars underlined by explosive drums create a sort of trance. We like to present a dancing music exclusively played with classical instruments, without any programming. I'm getting tired of bands only pushing the « play » button of their machines. On the whole, a good gig is one where everybody becomes an actor and really takes part in the energy of moment. There is something fascinating in the ability of music to attract people's attention... It almost gets scary sometimes...

Is Electric Electric the cause of natural catastrophes ?

Definitely ! Concerts organizers who still want to book us are very brave. During the album Molodoï's release party, a violent storm blasted and the room was overflown with water. We had to stop after 2 tracks. It was impressive and beautiful at the same time.