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Les hurlements d'Léo

French rock redounds like a phoenix in 90 years in a strange new form poorly fagotée French song.
Born in 1996 on libertarian foundations sealed by the punk and alternative radio stations in 80 years, the roar of Leo raised their four amps desires, enchaînent concerts and other glass and rhabillent prevails in the room French song called an assortment of instruments enabling them to entournures greater freedom as meetings.
From the restless spirit of their big brothers, they retain a tough energy to which they give the faces carved into the lives of sickle rolled alcohol and persevering dégoupillées to favorite sections.
Evoke the screams of Leo then remember it so legendary concerts from smoky bars and noisy, overcrowded rooms scattered some joyful mess on slippery sidewalks of Bordeaux, where to play bulimia disputes with hemorrhage meetings smokers.
In 4 years, the roar of Leo have acquired the art of play for the stage, and released their first album. Of the difficult language, they gain skill, using their words to songs that rock as more fragile.
Their photo albums Bordeaux (1999: Le café des jours heureux, became a classic, 2000: La Belle Case) they increase the intra-marital adventures in rock and bring plenty of blood and emancipated siblings.
The equipped "Un air, two families conducted concerts and good compositions (recording Live in 2001) with the Diaspora" Ogres de Barback "behaves in a semi trailer and occurs under a bower of canvas. The marquee Latcho Drom raised its stakes across France and Europe and welcomes the first part groups.
Relentlessly, eager for exciting adventures, HDL jumped borders without warning to new playgrounds names from Australia, Japan, Africa, shipments whose output in 2003 from the album "West Terne" marks the climax.
Their meeting with the German band 17 Hippies follows a tour and a six titles Hardcore Trobadors which consumes on stage for nearly 3 months (including the Francofolies de la Rochelle ...)
2005, incorporates a live songs dear to the group.
In 2006, Time suspended invites an album brazen and serious friends of way, listening to the personalities of each, took the time to maturity.
Far from the consumer realm, their adventures are all autonomous republics that land refreshed by their obstinacy:
The unlikely meeting with the rock rim of the Italian group Children of the Red lead to other routes: the test is daring, groups processed the time of another tour in the Republic of the Indian constitution anarchist.
The occasion being the thief, the adventure is disintegrating into myriad projects stakhanovite satellites tenacious on the French scene: Kebous solo project, the clumps in the morphology Krétiennes constantly variable ...
The expected return of these troubadours brazenly punks back in his luggage surprising companions, providing back-up of those parties on other roads.
En route pour l'aventure ...