LaFille was born in 2007, when she met Eric Simonet, aka Elviss, ex-singer and guitarist from the band Movement.
Of course, life met her few years before in the nice city of Rennes.
But LaFille has prefered to forget her stolen childhood and her chaotic teen years.
Forgetting is not the right word, as the rage and the pain can be easily found in the songs she writes.
But those feelings are sublimated by a beating and sarcastic style, as delightful as disturbing.
Because LaFille does not brush in the sense of the hair. Her songs are tousled and outrageous. With the help of some complices carefully chosen in the margin of French rock as Nicolas Comment and of course the already mentionned Elvis, LaFille has built herself a scouring, honest and liberating repertoire.
Which other french chanteuse is capable of talking about an almost liturgical revenge ("Ceci Est Mon Corps") then the most freaky and crazy overwelming joy ("Aujourd'hui J’ Me Lave Pas")?
Passing by a wink to the Stooges ("I Wanna Be Your Cat"), because LaFille comes from the most punk rock music as well as from such writing like Brigitte Fontaine.
As a real chief of gang, she gives the tempo to a band élégant as well as energetic which supports er on stage, where her talent can shine, because LaFille is naturally funny, as we can see by watching her selfproduced MySpace’s vidéos. The vidéo of de "Dans Mon Appartement" where she recalls Karina as well as Patti Smith is one of the favorites of the websurfers.
Now, LaFille has signed a ontract with a music label.
It doesn’t probably mean the end of difficulties nor depression,, this kind of gal cannot become really "normale", but for the informed listeners, that’s a job !
The first album of LaFille will be released in April 2010 and for sure, it won’t pass unobserved.
Jacques Duvall