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NMB Brass Band

The affair goes back up to the 90s, with a funk electric band ... Since, NMB became a brass band, in search of a marked down sound universe but always in sync with its roots black music.
In 2001, NMB smashes the agreements of the brass band in France by adopting naturally the hip-hop as a sound aesthetics stemming from the jazz, from New Orleans funk and from rock. It creates titles which give a dominating place to the sound of Dance-floors and afro-US polyrythmies. The project joins in jazz composition leaving a determining part for improvisation, spontaneous speech with the freedom of tone in the exchange of the words as chorus. It is in it that the initiative is political; the scenic attitude of 7 musicians show of it: they never leave the affair.
Their performances are recognized in all Europe (250 concerts from 2003 till 2008, Holland, Switzerland, Spain,Slovakia, France).