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The Sex Pistols need no introduction.
So should Parabellum.

Parabellum should be known by all, punk, rock, hard or skate fans. They all should be able to sing in unison at least one of the classics by the Paris band, whether it "Cayenne", "the Bombe and Moi", "Osmose 99", "Anarchie In Chiraquie" or "Zig Zag Rock" (all these hymns are now inscribed on the national register of punk rock heritage).

Instead of that, we must tell again and again who Parabellum are, still explain what the band have achieved and, worse, what they represent. French rock decidedly only likes its heroes once they're dead and buried. Or young with a nice haircut. As if these 20 years of tympanum burning happiness given to people were less important than 500 downloads on a MySpace page ! The world definitely does not go round the way it should.

However, how not to like a band which unite all generations in a joyous pogo, at times painful but always swarming, with a song about Saturnin the duck? How not to appreciate Olive (bass), Schultz (vocals-guitar), Sven (guitar) and Xa (drums), these always enthusiastic and nice fellows turning once the lights hit them into the most extravagant binary fusion making machine ?

How not to be fond of Parabellum after their (relative) success and (certain) excesses, lived as many joys as sorrows, attended all the punk revival events of the last 2 decades, and who are still here in 2007 ready for battle as if it were their very first rock'n'roll experience? And who, even after having walked alongside the greatest phenomenons of French punk (the Thugs, the Shériff, the Rats, OTH, Bérurier Noir) enjoy, with the same passion and respect, playing with their offspring (Uncommonmenfrommars, Tagada Jones, Lofofora) ?

How not to adore a band who, despite all the rip-offs, hard times and disillusions, still believe in the virtues of rock'n'roll, the one spanning from Chuck Berry to Anti-Nowhere League and from Motörhead to Rancid ? Especially, how not to cherish a band who, even after hundreds and hundreds of concerts all around France and Quebec, still feels stage fright before jumping on stage, hoping to be worth its faithful audience ?

So, let's forget fro a while that it is a precursor of French punk, a survivor of the glorious era of alternative labels (remember Gougnaf ?), a cult and legendary band (you know they are !)... Parabellum is above all our elder brother and the elder brother's band is always sacred. Especially if it is a fucking amazing de rock'n'roll band. Part of those who can dare without losing their cause and provide these rare moments when a couple of chords topped with 2 or 3 good words (another Parabellum special) make the hair on your arms go straight.