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Première Ligne

Première Ligne is the alliance of 3 personalities of the French Rap hardcore to the dense and atypical courses: two Mc's, Skalpel of the group K-Bine and E.One de Eskicit, and a Dj, Akye, founder of the website an label Bboykonsian.After many collaborations discographics (on their respective albums and Bboykonsian compilations), scenic (at the time of the Tour L’utopie n’est pas un rêve et Rap Red & Black ), they decide into 2011 to officialize their association and become the group Première Ligne. Wanted like a formation of combat, Première Ligne comes to concretize the alchemy acquired at the time of hundreds in concerts, creations of pieces, actions militant and cultural. Sound rough and heavy with the multiple influences (Soul, Reggae, Rock...), texts violent ones, poetic, always lucid and without concession, a just and independent step. But also, and can be especially, an energy revolted which is spread on scene everywhere in France, abroad, of the cities in the campaigns, diffused like a declaration of war at the totalitarian and commercial holding company, always at the sides of those which suffer and which resist, always in First Line. “We are in war, not for peace but the victory! ” Maxi vinyl “Not Standard” available in March 2012. Album in preparation.

Skalpel leaves its first disc in 1999, a maxi vinyl of its group La K-Bine which draws its name from a phone box of the project Les 3000 in Aulnay sous Bois (93 - France) where it grows and passes the essence of its life. Will be followed from there long series discographic, the realization and the production of a score of discs between albums (including 4 solo), compilations, mixtapes, maxis, but also the participation in more than 150 different projects. Wire of Uruguyan political immigrants, the life and the work of Skalpel constitute a node without precedent of fights and political history. He becomes thus the principal craftsman of a dense network binding a scene rap alternate and militant new, a little with the manner of the rock'n'roll at its beginnings, while organizing and taking part in the Tour L’utopie n’est pas un rêve and Rap Red & Black. In 2010, it coréalise the book 2030 news of a world which falls into which it publishes a news. Impassioned reading since always it is at the same time an achievement and the beginning of an important activity devoted to the literature (autobiographical news, accounts), a combat moreover for this revolted sensitivity.

Originating in Blanc-Mesnil (93), becomes the rappor of the Eskicit group to the beginning of the year 2000. Eskicit leaves a first Immortel album in 2007, maximum Echos in 2008 and a mixtape Out of Time in 2010. Engaged artist, disturbing, preach through his work the need for creating to survive a world which does not exist already any more, one stopped machine which is agitated on dreams. It thus develops through its songs an ultramodern sensitivity mixing warlike poetry and urban mythology, going beyond of the daily newspaper and existential transgression. The topics of the wandering and the road, revolutionary engagement, agree with its lifestyle after Immortel and the Tour L’utopie n’est pas un rêve at the sides of La K-Bine and Akye. They give then more than 200 concerts through France and Europe, and continue in 2011 at the time of Rap Red & Black Tour.

Around 13/14 years, end of the year 80, Akye discover the first Hip-Hop emissions on Radio Star and Nova and become an actor of this culture. But the commercial development of the French rap at the end of the Nineties sees Dj being detached from the movement. Finding itself more in the production nor the commercial media it founds then in 2005 its own alternative media: Of some pages, the site quickly becomes a complete webzine with many headings and a mail-order selling part. Akye launches out then in the production of discs and carries out a series of compilations Purists Only in 2007, Traces de lutte in 2009, Purists Only 2 in 2010. It also produces the discs of La K-Bine, Skalpel, Eskicit. In same time it becomes Dj of La K-Bine and of the Tour L’utopie n’est pas un rêve and Rap Red & Black and organizer of the radio program "Frontline" on Fréquence Paris Plurielle (F.P.P 106.3 Fm - He also collaborates with many groups for which he carries out scratchs and refrains. Bboykonsian develops its shop alternate on the fabric but also by the means of tables of press at the time of the concerts and diversifies its offer. At the beginning of 2011 label publishes its first book, a collection of news: 2030 news of a world which falls. Bboykonsian becomes bboykonsian editions, a footbridge between rap and literature, a reference of against French culture.