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All started in 2003 like any group of pals zicos killing time, instead of making Rugby, in a garage where the boiler often engaged in the high cantons of Bedarieux. After being itself made the toes in the sewing machine musical making taken again and festive attempts, TASMA to mask the noise of the machine the winter was exerted for the first time scrapes, battery and low for traditional would say you to me not as much as that, a rock'n'roll with the energetic paces unceasingly in evolution, as a melting cheese in which one discovers a spice there named pepper. After refining, the ingredients are then defined Camille in the guitar song, called pirate with dissonant wood, Ludo with low said Cabecou Man: only one word with the mouth fuzz and a giant named Julien bringing groove and strikes at will with the dresser already sprinkled. The group squatted Montpellier and its neighbourhoods, made fires of district with Ipecacuana, Leptik Ficus, Tasmaniac, the Swindlers, knew the duels rock'n'roll with the rockstore, recently the springboard of Rocktambules de Rousson with Destruction Incorporated, took part in the festival of southern large Huma ...... September
2010: RV a new bass player extremely brings his key Nantes biscuit out of explosive cereals. Their first album “Meduse” will leave soon under the crook a laboratory artists Toulousain named FAARK Lab.