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TASMANIAC The band was founded in the beautiful village of Bourgoin-Jallieu (38) in 1998 at the initiative of Ben Sibarita.
After musicboards, some local events and the joining of Kik Mastan within the group so soon as 1999, TASMANIAC won " C'est ma tournée" (a local event to promote emerging bands) in Isère in 2001. A first 6 tracks EP was launched this year and TASMANIAC began to be heard beyond his native Dauphiné.
From noticed opening acts for reknown artists (Silmarils, Marcel & his Orchestra, N & SK, Lofofora, Ska-P, Watcha ...) to support concerts, the band gathers a huge stage experience until it releases its first self-produced album in 2004.
The accompaniment of the band by the SMAC Les Abattoirs allowed the band to move on seriously towards the professionalization which Denis and Laurent,rhythm section would not want to follow. The arrival of Jean Joly on drums and Laurent Pumpo on bass gave the musical project the strength to make serious progress.
In 2007, "le temps c'est l'envie" (Time is the envy), 2nd album, enabled TASMANIAC to go one stage further. The contribution of the structure Jaspir Prod with booking and management skills was well appreciated and therefore the band performed over 80 dates within 2 years in France.
With now 10 years of existence, 2 albums and more than 200 concerts, TASMANIAC comes back in 2009 with a new album:
"Dernière chance-Last chance".
Album of the maturity, it bears fruits of a real art direction, "Last Chance" promises to be one of the albums to follow in the French rock landscape of the end of this decade.