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Trio d'Vie

Éric, Cédric and Simon, respectively sousaphonist, saxophonist and percussionist all have solid musical classical bakgrounds. In addition to being highly enthusiastic they are highly talented...

Their inspiration sources are multiple and the result of the mix of their talents gives a greatly energetic and festive dose of music. Trio d'Vie are there any time party is needed...

Autonomous and ultra mobile, this commando section, both virtuoso and wild, plays with conventions to even resemble a big band at times. Full of energy, Trio d'Vie easily jump fro the great standards with "boosted" arrangements to feverish compositions.

Following the release of a 1st studio album in 2002, a live album in 2005, Trio d’Vie released their 3rd opus «Plugged» with ICI Label on 15th Dec. 2009.