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Vladimir Bozar ‘n’ Ze Sheraf Orkestär

Vladimir Bozar 'n' Ze Sheraf Orkestär, It is a monster in 3 heads with multiple influences of Franck Zappa by way of Mr Bungle and Secret Chiefs 3. A delirious musical journey which will wear you up to toilet.

Vladimir Bozar is just an imaginary king of absurdity. Sheraf is coming from a cult comic movie called "La classe américaine" (American stylish).

Metal, punk, classical music, jazz, movie sound, Tzigane music, electronic, are mixed to the guitare, violin, trumpet and especially a voice coming from Hell...

After the first demo album, Pedral contacted Trey Spruance (from Mr Bungle, Secret Chiefs 3, Faith no more) to know his opinion about Vladimir Bozar music.

The first answer was a very sympathic message in French telling: "Obviously, this music is composed of lunatics hopelessly.We have similar problems, it is therefore normal we are friends. As people focused, we understand us. Universal Sprache"