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Primarily a guitar player, Jeff, fiddling instrumentalist, has experienced several musical projects from funk to jazz-core via ambient indus. Self taught musician, his taste for complex writing pushes him towards programming and recording which will definitely convert him to the digital tool. ZÔL is unveiled to the public in 2001...

Born on the ashes of a quartet, it is first a duo on stage. Jeff on machines and Gaël as concrete trumpeter. Jeff then decides to go solo. He transforms Breakstep, electro, Hip-Hop, drum or techno into a kind of musical travelling where noises & other concrete sonorities rush in from all directions, as a trademark. Impressed by the quality of his productions and the live organisation of his different and strange compositions, Jarring Effects invest in the project, bringing him their renowned savoir-faire allowing ZÔL to take a new step. ZÔL is then part of their roster and integrates the Jarring Effects plateaux from 2007 onwards. In parallel, a tour in Slovakia takes place with L'alliance Française de République Tchèque « the Nuits Alliances Electro ». He is then a resident at LiFe (Lieu International of Formes Emergentes) until Apr 2008 and and is charged with the audio creation of their site web.

Two video creations are produced after his encounter with VJ Charlie Mars and are widely broadcast on the web, on several European festivals and on TV, namely in France on national channel Canal +...