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United Fools @ Salle P. Cravey, LA TESTE (33)


Two years after their unmissable « What doesn’t kill you… » (Banzai Lab / Discograph), the breathtaking United Fools are coming back in 2012 with a new album: “Human Projects”.
« Human Projects » is already set as a powerful and dark album, artistically and humanly involved. An album which tries to question the place of human being and the notion of a group in an individualistic world. What are today the new ''Human Projects''? Is there a world, even poetical where our individualities can coexist?
To carry through this new challenge, the members of this electro-instrumental sextet from Bordeaux (France) have chosen to collaborate with many guests : instrumentists, singers and MCS, no less than 25 artists from all around the globe who brought us the diversity of their esthetical universe in order to record together a unique, powerful and innovative sound.
The 5 multi-instrumentists musicians from United Fools share their part on stage between doublebass, guitar, indian sitar, cello, saxophones, latin drums, keyboards and machines. Six years after its creation, the challenge for this collective from Bordeaux is to « find an harmony between electronic music and acoustic music, wherever this stability is ».

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