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The AMMD is a non-profit organization, which aims to promote free eklektikal artistical projects using all legal ways. In some ways, the AMMD appears like a production label, a show producer, a booking agency, an event promoter and/or a studio ; AMMD may be socalled, if it helps. But the way the AMMD works and thinks day after day is definitely different from usual:

* AMMD works and thinks for every kind of arts, from graphical, to theater, including music, performances, experiments... as long as it is free arts,
* AMMD always works and thinks in a very strictly artists-friendly, honest and ethical way.

As well as its belonging to the free world, the AMMD also claims a social approach, always trying to have the lower costs for the audience, nay on participation fees.

Last, but not least, as you may observe listening to/gazing at AMMD's artists masterpieces, under the adjective eklektikal, the AMMD sets any project that brings a really creative, innovative and audacious touch, and, as a consequence takes place versus never-ending productions which fill the musicstores, tv screens and webpages up more and more!!!!