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Who are we?
A FEDERATION OF INDEPENDENT MUSIC LABELS is a platform for alternative on-line music distribution does not make any profit is on the fringe of «culture business» is a fair on-line sales platform from the producer to the listener is a federation of independent music labels created in 2004 by 7 founder labels [Aïlissam, Crash Disques, Facto Records, Foutadawa now replaced by 6AM, Irfan (the label), Jarring Effects, and Vicious Circle]. « Physical support » of an alternative on-line sales platform (CD, DVD, Vinyl, book...) and/or digital (MP3 and Flac). proposes a fair distribution from the producer to the listener, and shares 85% of its sales between the artists and the labels.

Today, represents 126 labels, 16552 downloadable songs, 1964 CDs and 1055 artists, comprising all musical genres. All the products ordered on’s website are delivered in France and all around the world for those who use a safe payment method by credit card and Paypal.

The purpose of this federation is to emphasize musical variety, and to contribute to the existance of an alternative network to the Majors and other « culture Supermarkets ». That is why offers the labels the possibility of combining their strengths to adapt themselves to the changes du in part to the music industry crisis.

For a label, being a member of means belonging to an alternative distribution network, profiting from a visibility and strong credibility, managing its own distribution and its public sales prices, as well as supporting the different genres and the independent artists. The members of – 12832 people from now – are the main players of this cultural diversity, and benefit from a preferential price list and various offers which help the weakest labels to survive.

Supporting means supporting the creative talent of tomorrow, believing in a united and active economical approach within the music industry, continuing, developing and giving value to some "non-formatted" music identities.

In parallel of this alternative platform, has opened in March 2008 its first shop in Jarring Effects premises in Lyon (France). Open from Tuesday to Saturday, 2 pm until 7pm, you can find all the on-line references.

Everybody is part of its own independence. Be independent is managing its productions from recording to the listener presentation, and with, independence is getting organized ..., an economic with diversity and solidarity
Context and Historical

The world of music knows from years of lot changes, news balances and news economical models appear. Since a long time, the biggest shops, as well responsible of the disc crisis, reduce the public offers and cancel little by little the spaces dedicated for music in the shops.

Public behaviour has evolved as well, with the new technological possibilities of exchanging files and the false debate about it; we are now facing the unresponsabilities of the Internet surfers! Young labels or confirmed ones have real difficulties to make a national distribution of their artists. It is even more and more common that collaboration with a distributor does not guaranty a visibility (especially for the news artists).

The persons who discover the tomorrow’s talents are more passionate by an art job than an industrial plan, and they permit a cultural diversity which is necessary for the balance of a beaming society.

Conscients of the geopolitics implications, the civil society and not long time ago, the collectivities propose different ways to help from the production to the diffusion, but unfortunately its cannot help all the labels. These helps are not enough to protect the different positions affected by the crisi and to try to find a balance between productions Majors Companies (or productions coming from TV programs). It seems necessary to gather together in order to build news ways to produce.

In this part, was created in 2004 by 7 mains labels: Aïllissam, Crash Disques, Facto Records, Foutadawa (today replaced by the label 6AM), Irfan [le label], Jarring Effects, Vicious Circle. Everyone of them used to develop its own ways to do, to think in order to try to adapt themselves to the recent changes. Close value and common friends gather them all together to work the same way and develop this professional and independent federation., diversity and solidarity economy

Seven labels founders represent since the beginning the base of the organization of the federation It is them who examine the files of labels (applicants) who integrate the new structures which become then member labels. A representative of these member labels is elected every year to sit in steering committees beside labels founders. This last one participates in the concerning decisions and in the relations of the federation. represents about fifty labels today, and this number does not stop growing. Indeed, every month new labels join us to defend with us this singular adventure which becomes emancipated beyond the plans which try to impose certain powers in place. We gain the loyalty of the public who doesn't stop growing. Thanks to the magic of the web, articles bought on fly away towards all the places of France, Europe and but also all over the world! is a united association in the service of the labels which compose it, intended to supply them with new resources in terms of partnership, communication, distribution and development. Together, we bring a different perspective on the deployment of the esthetics which we defend, and we build a respectful distribution dedicated to the artists who have been chosen to look after their works in independent labels such as ours. We develop the new tools of the independent sector so that this one can continue with its strong identity, supported by an exemplary solidarity. makes no profit.

In the system developed by, the thresholds of sales, for a released album for example, are lowered. Real control levers for the hatching of new talents, these last ones increase the profitability of every new reference or guarantee the continuity of the activity for confirmed artists. spreads a supportive balance in the economy, within the reach of every label via the same voice, and in agreement with the foundations of the guarantee for the artist for a fair payment.

Together, we act to protect our independence and the values which animate us. These ideological and strategic convergences allow to maintain and to develop a long-lived cultural identity and variety.
