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ICI Label

ICI Label has now been existing for more than five years and has been creating throughout the years a peculiar world.

In the beginning three musicians, Lionel Rivière, Matias Marcipar and Bertrand Allaume decided to unite their energies and their musical worlds around the project of a label. The objective, first of all, was to realise and release their personal creations. But the aim was also to create a label with an artistic identity of its own and which would have as a vocation to grow by welcoming other artists.

ICI Label’s musical project can simply be defined as music inviting to travel in all its forms and which also lets a great space to improvisation.

The new structure was given birth in December 2003. The first year, the activity enabled to produce the first two albums: Nomades Quintet, group led by Lionel Rivière, and Escaramujo, an Argentinian band led by Matias Marcipar. Those two first records have been presented to the public on the occasion of an exceptional concert bringing those two groups together on April 15th, 2004 in the Ziquodrôme of Compiègne (60).
In 2005, ICI Label released Beltuner’s record and in 2006 La batterie Fanfare de Compiègne with the project "Celticuivres" and Dos Soles joined the catalogue. In 2007, two new releases: Mandala Quartet and Chupa Chuva, and in 2008 the come back of Follenzia with the record "Le Projet Neutrino". For 2009, ICI Label is glad to welcome Jean-Michel Noirey, ElektricLab and Triod'Vie.

Finally, in 2005, ICI Label created a booking agency.

Of course ICI Label has lots of other projects in store for the years to come.
To be continued...