Founded in 1995, UDCM - Union des Diffuseurs de Créations Musicales - is a cultural and local association, creating bridges between different community stakeholders and enabling the development of artistic projects. Its mission : to participate in the development of Music in PACA, by working towards a younger audience, by allowing various stakeholders to collaborate on joint projects proposed by UDCM. We have to important direction of work :
-the identification: unearth the "Découvertes PACA du Printemps de Bourges" who represent the PACA at the festival Le Printemps de Bourges. For this purpose, we work with 13 cultural structure in the region.
-The support : the UDCM provides one year of accompaniment for 8 artists or groups selected in PACA during the for the “Découvertes Printemps de Bourges”. Several aspects are discussed: the board, broadcasting, communication, linking with the professional sector.