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Les Barbarins Fourchus

On an April evening of 1992, something extraordinary happened. In total secrecy, a bunch of artists, coming from rock'n roll, picture, street theatre, mechanics, cooking and conservatoire, decided to merge their skills altogether so as to offer the world top quality performances. They got it all started on that very night. After a couple of very interesting hours spent exchanging about the role of art in society and the history of art in general, they vigorously set to work. First they had to find a name for this peculiar band. In tribute to Boris Vian, they all agreed on the name "Les Barbarins Fourchus". Some wrote texts, others dealt with the set, and others wrote music and during apéritif time a nice meal would slowly simmer on the Emmaüs (N.O.T. : eq. to the Salvation Army) cooker.

After stealing a supermarket trolley (which had preciously been carefully decorated as a transportation device) and after collecting some (posthumous) costumes from the very first people who'd supported their work (La Tronche accueil), they engaged in a memorable dressed rehearsal during which they discovered, amazed, the power of collective work... On the morrow, they were out and about in the city to offer the public the fruit of their artistic research. On the city main square they received their very first standing ovation as well as a somehow consistent earning which allowed them to buy second hand instruments from Emmaüs the next day. One of their first fans even offered them 100 francs to help them play further!, which they proudly accepted since « Only retrievable works can be retrieved ». This is where les Barbarins Fourchus come from.

The rest is thirteen years of adventures made of creation, encounters, journeys, gigs in bars, schools, prisons, on the street - performances in venues, circus tents, cars, planes - movies directing - auto-produced CD's - space active redecoration (Le Halage, Beauregard and Le Théâtre 145 since 1999)... ..."continuation means searching more, seeking words, sounds, poignant music, accuracy, a vibrating light and a simple move. Walk again on this thread of doubt which may be the heart of all this, obsessed with gravity, between a possible fall and a real balance. Maybe find, only for an exhilarating instant, in a flash, this kind of fragile alchemy contained in our senses, in our human place - here and far away."Delfino.