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Ensemble Tre Fontane

Since 1986 the "Ensemble Tre Fontane" has been dedicated to playing and promoting the "trobar" art - the art of finding poetry and music - and the art of "joglar" - the art of playing, the musicians' art, peddling the troubadour's works and creating music to dance or listen to ; an example being the Italian estampita, which are purely instrumental works. The Ensemble has embraced the works of the Aquitaine's troubadours, paying particular attention to those from the Périgord region : Guiraut de Bornelh, Bertrand de Born, Arnaut Daniel...

In 1998, Eduardo Paniagua's Spanish group, Moroccan singer El Arabí Serghini, and the Tre Fontane Ensemble came together for an international event and formed and eight-strong "orchestra" including a female singer, singers and musicians. This concert entitled "Luz de la Mediterranía", endeavoured to re-create an historical event, as simply as possible : the encounter of troubadours and Arabic-Andalusian musicians at the court of Alphonse X the wise, King of Castile, Leon and Andalusia. A meeting point where numerous musical styles converged.

The Tre Fontane Ensemble has also interpreted sacred music, such as the las Huelgas codex in collaboration with the vocal ensemble Les Dames de Choeur, the Santa Maria Cantigas, and the Saint Jacques pilgrims' songs. The evolution of polyphony between the XIth and XVth centuries is another aspect of medieval music that the Ensemble has investigated, thus completing its course towards other repertoires, such as the music of Guillaume de Machaut. The latter developed and refined polyphonic music, which itself was an essential discovery, that gave Western music a real musical personality, as early on as the Middle-Ages. The presence of master-pieces in his later manuscripts, such as the Faenza codex in the 15th century, bears witness to his influence.
The year 2000... a voyage...the troubadours' influence - travelling through time, through the forgotten pages of feminine poetry dating back eight centuries- yet which even now convey contemporary concerns. Such is the programme of the concert entitled "Chants de femmes, chants d'amour", (Songs of women, songs of love). The concert "Chants du sud" (Songs of the south) is a voyage dedicated to the pleasure of discovering neighbouring cultures and the answer for those in search of musical and human encounters.
2004 always a voyage with “El Camino” (Songs of Cantigas de Sta Maria – Spain) and 2007 /08 with Romie Estèves a new concert dedicated to Aliénor d’Aquitaine, and another one in duet “Chemins d’Orient”.